Plaky Blog
Learn how to improve project management and team management in our detailed blog posts featuring practical tips, expert opinions, and free templates.
Master Project Prioritization in 5 Easy Steps (+Templates)
Project prioritization is the process of deciding the best order for tackling projects, typically based on criteria such as impact, urgency, importanc…
149 Hard Work Quotes to Keep You Motivated
Quotes about hard work and dedication · “I learned the value of hard work by working hard.” · “Hard work keeps the wrinkles out of the mind an…
Sprint Backlog vs Product Backlog: 7 Key Differences
A Product Backlog contains prioritized tasks for the whole project, while a Sprint Backlog outlines work for the following Sprint….
15 Best Project Collaboration Tools for Effective Teamwork
Best project collaboration tools: 1. Plaky 2. Asana 3. Podio 4. Scoro 5. Trello 6. ClickUp 7. Confluence 8. Miro 9. Hive 10. ProofHub…