Having a clear and user-friendly structure in a project management tool is essential for effective work organization. 

To get the most out of Plaky’s organizational and workflow management, you’ll be using workspaces, boards, groups, and views which are the key components we’ll learn about so you can efficiently structure and manage your tasks and projects. 

So for starters, let’s get you introduced to the interface! The first thing you should pay attention to is the sidebar; conveniently placed to the left of the screen where you’ll have access to all of the tools and elements you’ll need.


At the foundation, we have Workspaces. A Workspace is where you lay your base and set teams, departments, and projects groups in your organization.

Within each Workspace, you’ll be able to create multiple Boards, which are spaces for you to manage tasks and projects. This structure ensures that you can keep your various initiatives separate and organized and keep a clear and tidy workspace for your various projects.

In Plaky, there are two types of workspaces you can work in: open workspaces and closed workspaces. 

Open workspaces are accessible to anyone within the organization and are designed to encourage collaboration and transparency within teams.

Closed Workspaces limit access to who can enter and engage with projects. This is beneficial for working with outside organizations, contractors, or keeping sensitive information private. The creator (or owner) of this workspace can choose who has access and limit access as well. 

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The next level down, we have Boards! These are spaces created within a workspace, and are used to maintain and oversee tasks and projects.

Imagine each Board as a blank canvas that you can use to suit your specific needs for flexibility and adaptability and create workflows that work best for you!

Boards also help you stay organized and keep track of your tasks, projects, and collaborative efforts by keeping them all in one place while giving you the freedom to work on each separately.

So no matter how small the task or how large the project, Boards will help your processes and workflows feel like a breeze!   

A really great feature in Plaky is that you have two options for creating a board. 

The first option is to choose from a variety of pre-made templates. These templates are suited for different types of projects, teams, or even industries. A great option for starting projects quickly and efficiently.

The second option is creating a board from scratch. Here you can build and customize your board to your needs and preferences.

As an added bonus feature, you also have the option to save the custom board as a template and share it with other teammates. So you won’t have to waste time recreating the wheel. 

The more organized the Board the better the workflow. 


An optional, but still very useful, tool you can use are folders. Folders are used to organize and group related boards together by category. This makes it much easier to structure your workspaces, locate specific projects, and shave off precious time. 


Within a Board you can easily organize tasks and keep track of a project’s progress by having groups! Groups are subsections in a Board that segment tasks and items based on category, phase, or any other criteria that suits your workflow. 

You also have the option to color code each group based on your criteria.

For added convenience you can drag and drop each group in any order that you see fit.  

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Board views

Another really great feature in Plaky are Board Views!

Board Views are different ways your boards are organized on screen and can be customized for your convenience. This gives you much more flexibility and control, and maximizes efficiency. 

In Plaky there are two options to choose from: Table view and Kanban view   

Table view

The Table View is the most straightforward Board view that presents your data by rows and fields; no different than your standard spreadsheet. A very simple way of organizing and editing data. 

Kanban View

A really popular and nifty Board view is the Kanban view. It displays tasks as cards in status fields (e.g., To-Do, In Progress, or Done.) and allows you to drag-and-drop tasks between stages. You also have the option to customize fields, labels, and more. Very useful for keeping track of progress for different projects.

Custom Views

In addition to the two Board view options, you can also create your own custom view to fit your needs and preferences.

You can prioritize and sort the boards you use most, customize fields, and once you’ve built your view how you like it, you can save it and access it anytime you need it. You can also share it with team members to keep the overall workflow simple.


And there you have it! You are now a MASTER of Plaky’s Organization and Hierarchy structure!

For good measure, let’s do a quick recap of what we learned.

First, you start with a Workspace where you can create Boards. Boards can be organized into Folders and, within the boards themselves, you use Groups to segment tasks and items. Lastly, using Board Views will give you the option to view and organize your project data that work best for your workflow. 

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