Manage all requests for a vacation leave, a department change, or an employee termination, in one place with the HR requests template.
Try template free* The template contains: Group of items, Person field, Text field, Status field with customized labels, and Date field.
Is handling the requests that the HR team recieves a challenge?
Do team members act according to the project objectives?
This template has the tools you need to unite the team around your plan and act upon your HR request with ease.
Organize HR requests into manageable phases
Share critical information across departments
Track project performance
Departmental shifts, time off, sick leaves, training requirements etc. Havel all your requests in one place, sorted by status and priority.
Define who can access sensitive information in your workflow. Some employee’s requests must be available only to certain people from your workspace.
Let each request has it’s own task. Organize your content into groups: Requests, working on it, resolved and move your request from stage to stage as it progresses.
Let the people from your HR team know who is responsible and for what. Assign them to tasks and have them manage requests from start to finish in the most organized way. Track their progress and make sure requests are being resolved.
Distinguish between urgent and important with the status field. Indicate that some task require more immediate actions and let the assignee be aware of that. Track the progress of tasks easily.
You can sort each Field according to some sort of criteria. This can help you organize your Board better and have a clearer overview of all the Items in the Board.
Invite people as viewers to your board. They are team members that can read all the content available in the space they’re invited to, but cannot modify or change any configuration and don’t have any editing permissions.