Filip Colovic - Project management author and researcher at Plaky

Filip is an accomplished writer and editor with over six years of experience in a number of niches, currently dedicated to delivering top-notch content at Plaky as a project management author and researcher.

Over the course of his career, he has contributed to a wide variety of projects, including tech, hardware, cybersecurity, finance, business development, business intelligence, and of course, project management. This broad and diverse experience, combined with his BA in English language and literature, makes him a highly knowledgeable author capable of handling virtually any subject.

Filip’s approach to writing is meticulous and methodical—he examines the topic from all possible angles and ensures the final text is thoroughly researched, informative, and comprehensive, making it valuable for experienced professionals, all the while being easily digestible for the average reader.

In his free time, he likes to expand his horizons, so he dabbles in multiple hobbies: exploring different genres of music, film, books, and video games, his latest obsessions being Frank Herbert’s Dune series and Jungian psychology. Apart from that, he is an avid coffee drinker, cat person, and social media avoider.

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