
Blob Primary Right

Plaky Free Trial

Plaky Free trial provides unrestricted access to premium features available on our paid plans. During the 14-day trial period you can explore and utilize the platform’s best tools, optimizing your workflow and facilitating seamless team collaboration.

14-day free trial is automatically triggered once a Workspace is created. 

Features available on Free Trial
Custom fields (attributes)unlimited
Storage100MB per file
AccessBoard permissions
Closed Space
Private Board
User rolesMember, Admin, Viewer
CustomizationBoard templates creation
Task templates
User scheme
ProductivityBulk actions
(+ Last Seen)

Once Free trial expires, the Workspace will be downgraded to Free plan, unless an Admin upgrades the subscription to one of the paid plans. If the downgrade happens, the Workspace may face certain conflict situations that need to be resolved. Check out this text for more information.

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