
Blob Primary Right

Create Board from CSV

Quickly set up a new Board by importing a CSV file using this Plaky feature that streamlines the Board creation process and saves time. 

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the Space menu at the top left corner
  2. Click +Add
  3. Choose New Board from the dropdown
  4. Select Create from file
  5. Click Import from CSV
  6. Select a file to import 
  7. Choose the delimiter from the dropdown 
  8. Mark if there are headers in the file
  9. Select which column from the file defines item name

    After uploading the file, a table generated from its contents will immediately appear on the right side of the modal.

    Plaky uses comma as the default delimiter. However, you can change it to a tab, pipe, or semicolon.

    If the file is not marked to have headers, the first row is treated as item data and for CSV column names generic names will be used: Column 1, Column 2, etc.

    If you don’t select which column defines the item name, the first column from your CSV file will be used by default as the item name.

  10. Click Proceed

  11. Select the destination group:
    – New group (type the name)
    – Choose CSV column for a group name (select the column from the dropdown menu)

  12. Select the type of destination board fields for each CSV column from the dropdown:
    – Any column type from the dropdown 
    – None (don’t map the column)

    By default, all the CSV columns are imported as Text fields.

  13. Click Finish import to complete the action

If the CSV column contains more columns than limit allows, by default the initial set of columns will be mapped, and other columns will be disabled until the destination field of any other column is changed to None.

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