Best Notion alternative

Plaky is a project management software alternative to Notion with unlimited number of users, teams, and files.

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Notion vs Plaky

Trello Plaky
Unlimited users Not avaiable Available
Unlimited teams Available Available
Unlimited tasks Not avaiable Available
Unlimited files Not avaiable Available
Kanban view Not avaiable Available
iOS & Android apps Available Available
Data export Avaiable Available
Templates Available Available
Notifications & alerts Available Available
Google SSO Available Available
Pricing starts $8 $3.99

What you get with Plaky
that you can't get with Notion

Fully operational FREE plan

While Notion lets you have:

  • Only 1 user

  • No teams

Plaky gives you for free:

  • Unlimited users

  • Unlimited teams

  • Unlimited files

Unlimited projects and users