
Blob Primary Right

Space Permissions

1 min read
  • Space Owner: Created Space, or given Space Ownership by another Space Owner
  • Space Member: Member or Viewer subscribed to Space
manage spaceadminmemberviewer
join open space✔️✔️✔️
set open space as default✔️XX
subscribe/unsubscribe user/team to space✔️ if space owner✔️ if space ownerX
promote user to space owner✔️ if space owner✔️ if space ownerX
view/open any public/private board if subscribed✔️✔️✔️
rename space/change space type✔️ if space owner✔️ if space ownerX
add space description/image✔️ if space owner✔️ if space ownerX
delete space✔️✔️ if space ownerX

Check out this article to learn more about user Roles and Ownership.

Some of the features listed in the table are available on paid plans only.

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