Kanban View
Plaky offers a variety of Board views to help you manage your tasks effectively. One of the available views is the Kanban view. In this guide, we’ll explore the features and functionality of the Kanban Board View in Plaky to help you streamline your project workflow.
Overview #
Kanban is a well known project management technique used to manage work by prioritizing tasks and demands according to the available capacity. It helps to see what are pain points on your project and make sure that the resources are utilized in the best possible way.
Column-based workflow #
- The Kanban Board consists of columns representing different stages of your project.
- Columns are by default named after the Status field
- Items are by default divided by Item Groups
Drag-and-drop functionality #
- Easily move Items between columns by dragging and dropping them
- Update the Item status instantly
Item details #
- Click on an Item to view and edit its details and subitems directly from the Kanban Board
- Add or modify task descriptions, assignees, due dates, and more
Subitem details #
In the Kanban view, Subitems are by default presented under their parent Item, with an option to expand and collaps all the subitems of the given item.
Visual cues #
- Quickly identify Item status with visual indicators like color-coded cards
- Use labels and tags for additional categorization
Filter and search #
- Filter tasks based on assignees, labels, due dates, and more
- Search for specific tasks to locate and update them effortlessly
How to use Kanban Board view #
Access Kanban Board View #
- Navigate to your Board
- Click on the View with Kanban view symbol in the Board header
- Tap on three dots in the top right corner to open the Board menu
- Tap on Change view in the Board Menu
- Select Kanban view from the list
- Click on three dots in the top right corner
- Select Add view
- Select Kanban view from the list of saved views
Add a new Kanban view.
Customize the View #
- Click on the gear icon to access Board settings
- Select the Kanban Field from the dropdown
- Check the boxes to add/remove Fields to fit your project’s needs
- Toggle the switch to turn on/off diving the Items by Item Groups
- Toggle the switch to show/hide Kanban summary
Kanban Field is the field after which the column is labeled.
Manage tasks #
- Create a new Item by clicking on the + Add within a column
- Drag Items between columns to update their status.
- Create a new Item by tapping on the + Add item within a column
- Swipe Items between columns to update their status
- Create a new Item by tapping on the + button
- Swipe Items between columns to update their status