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Deactivate Users

2 min read

Admins can deactivate the accounts of other users (except for other Admins, only Organization Owner can deactivate an Admin’s account). This action is done in the User Management section of an Admin functionality.

To deactivate a user, follow these steps:

  1. Click on three dots at the top left part of the screen
  2. Choose Administration from the menu
  3. Navigate to the User Account you’d like to deactivate
  4. Click the three dots on the right to open the menu
  5. Choose Deactivate user

You’ll get a toast message (at the bottom right corner) that the action was completed.

Users can also be deactivated directly within the organization. Once deactivated, users can only be deleted from there. For detailed instructions, check out this article.

  1. Tap on Users and teams on the home page
  2. Tap on Everyone at [Organization_name]
  3. Tap on the user you want to deactivate
  4. Tap on Deactivate user
  5. Tap on Deactivate user in the confirmation modal to complete the action


Deactivated user will lose access to the Space or the account. Inactive users will appear with an “inactive” label if “Show inactive users” is enabled. If not, they will be visible in Trash, Archives, Last seen tab, Mentions and so on.

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