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Downgrading Your Plan

Workspaces subscribed to paid plans (or utilizing paid features during the Free Trial) may face certain conflict situations when downgrading to a lower or Free plan. 

Admins and Entity Owners (Board, Space) receive bell notifications for conflict situations, and they need to resolve these conflicts for a seamless Plaky app experience.

If a Workspace is downgraded, any user or team permissions that were previously customized will be automatically reset to their default settings. All admins will get in-app notification informing them that user and team permissions were set back to default.

Upgrade your subscription to escape conflicts.

Space conflicts #

If a Workspace was using closed Spaces (on Trial or a paid plan), and the Workspace got downgraded, the Space will remain closed until the Space Owner changes the Space type to open. 

As long as the Space type is in conflict, Space Owners won’t be allowed to add new Space subscribers (but will be allowed to change the ownership or to remove subscribers).

Board conflicts #

Admins and Entity Owners (Board, Space) receive bell notifications for conflict situations. 

To address Board conflicts on all Boards:

  1. Click on the Bell notification
  2. Click on the conflicted Board listed on the Board conflicts page
  3. Click on icon on each conflict on the conflicts page
  4. Resolve each conflict according to its specific type

To address Board conflicts on specific Board:

  1. Open the Board
  2. Click on resolve all conflicts on the alert message on the Board
  3. Click on icon on each conflict on the Board conflicts page
  4. Resolve each conflict according to its specific type

Until any Board conflict is resolved, the Board stays in view-only mode.

Board type conflict #

This type of conflict occurs if a Workspace was using a private Board (on Trial or a paid plan), and the Workspace got downgraded.

To resolve the conflict, change the Board type to public.

As long as the Board type is in conflict, adding new subscribers will be disabled (only deletion or export Board to csv is possible).

Board permissions conflict #

Edit content only or Write updates only permissions are available on Enterprise plan only. Downgrading to a Pro or Free plan leads to a conflict.

To resolve the conflict, change permissions to Edit everything on the conflicts page.

Number of fields per board conflict #

When a Workspace is downgraded to a lower subscription type, a conflict situation related to the number of fields on a Board will occur. 

To resolve it, choose the fields to keep on the Board, within the designated number of fields for your subscription plan.

Field type (timeline) conflict #

This type of conflict arises when a Workspace is downgraded and loses the ability to use a specific type of field (i.e. Timeline field).

To resolve the conflict, convert the unsupported field type into another field type, or delete the field.

Viewer user type is available only on paid plans. When a Workspace is downgraded to a Free plan, all Viewer users will be logged out and will not be able to log in until the conflict is resolved.

Admins can resolve the conflicts by going to the user management screen and changing user role for active and pending viewers.

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