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Manage Notifications on Android App

Configure your Email and In-app notifications on Notifications screen.

Toggle the switch on/off so that you turn on/off Email Notifications for the following actions:

  • You are assigned to an Item
  • You’re mentioned in a post or reply
  • Item you’re subscribed to is changed
  • Someone adds a comment to an Item you’re the Owner of
  • Someone adds a comment to an Item you’re subscribed to
  • Someone mentions you in a comment
  • Someone mentions team you’re a member of in a comment
  • Someone signs up after you have invited them
  • Someone doesn’t sign up after you’ve invited them
  • Someone subscribes you to Board/Item/Team

Toggle the switch on/off to turn on/off In app Notifications for the following actions:

  • Someone subscribes you to Board/Item/Team
  • Someone changes Item you’re subscribed to
  • Someone adds a comment to an Item you’re the owner of
  • Someone adds a comment to an Item you’re subscribed to

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