Manage Board on iOS App
Plaky Board helps you visualize your Team’s tasks, workflows and processes. With its highly interactive features you can communicate with your Team in a faster and more efficient way.
This article provides instructions how to use different board functionalities and the way they improve the project management workflow.
Navigation #
By default, Boards within a Workspace are sorted according to the order they were created in. On Home Screen Boards can also be displayed based on Favorites (starred as Favorites) or Recent (those recently used).
To customize Board display settings on Home page:
- Tap on the hamburger menu
- Choose Home screen
- Tap on the arrow on the right to expand
You’ll be able to see a Quick access section. Tap to choose to display Boards as Favorites or Recent. Currently used display is marked.

After you selected a sorting option you prefer, Boards will be sorted accordingly.

You can search Boards in the search box at the top.
Once you start typing, the search results will be displayed below.
When you tap on the Board, you can search through the Items and Item Groups in the Search task bar at the top of the screen. Once you start typing, the tasks will be filtered according to the value typed in the search bar.

Board Menu #
Board menu lets you quickly access and modify info, view and sort on your Board.
To access the Board menu, tap on the three dots menu at the top right corner of the Board.

In the Board info modal, you can edit Board name and description, change permissions and view all information related to the Board owner and creator.
Depending on the permissions, you can delete the Board, as well, by tapping Delete Board button at the bottom of the screen.

Board View #
Plaky app helps you visualize your data in the best way with Board and Kanban Views. With the Change view option in the Board menu, you can change your Board view, or add multiple Views.
To change View, tap on Change view in the Board Menu and then tap on the View you want to apply to the Board. Swipe the view to the left to rename it, set it as default view, or add it to favorites. Swipe it to the right to duplicate or delete the View. The View marked as a favorite will be placed next to the default view and a star icon will appear next to its name. To remove a View from favorites, just swipe it to the left again and tap Unfavorite.
View is set as a favorite, the change is only visible to the user who set the favorite View, and won’t affect other users on the Board.

To add a new View, tap on +New View at the bottom of the Change View screen, and select +New Table View or +New Kanban View
In Table View, swipe left to see all the Fields on the Board. In Kanban View, swipe left to see all the Items on the Board grouped by Status, and drag and drop the Item to change its Status.

Sort #
To add new Sort, select Sort in the Board Menu, then tap on Add new sort, select the Field you want to sort the Board by, choose Descending/Ascending order and tap Save.

To apply a Sort, tap on the Sort name on the Sort screen, select Ascending/Descending order and tap Apply.
Sort is only available with a Table Board View.
Show/Hide Fields #
To further customize your Board, you can choose to hide or show specific Fields on your Board. To do that, open Show/Hide Fields from the Board Menu, check the Fields you want to hide, or uncheck to unhide, and tap Save.

Board Filter #
Board Filter helps you keep things in order and filter them out according to your needs and preferences.
Check out this text to learn how to use Board Filter on iOS version of Plaky app.
Mark Board as template #
This feature allows you to efficiently save existing Boards as templates for future use, and simplify the process of creating new Boards. To mark Board as template:
- Tap on three dots in the top right corner to open the Board menu
- Tap on Mark as Template to complete the action.